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IRS Tax Attorneys
Tax Levy | Tax Fraud | IRS Audit Defense | Tax Settlements


Coleman Tax Resolution

Taxes can be hard to manage because of the various paperworks involved, terminologies used, and the amount needed to pay off one’s tax dues. If you do your taxes without doing research, you may end up having problems with your finances, which can be hard to get out from.

Coleman Tax Resolution criminal tax segment block 300x199Defense Tax Partners offers one of the most affordable and reliable Coleman tax resolution services in the state. We can help you with tax problems like tax debt, tax fraud allegations, and IRS audit, making it easier for you to understand the process and get them resolved as stress-free as possible.

When you reach out to us, one of our tax law experts will look into your situation and create the best legal strategy that can resolve your tax problem. We can even represent you during hearings or auditing processes, so you don’t have to worry about making a mistake when the IRS inquires about certain aspects of your finances. When they request your presence during the talks, we will make sure you are ready to make key legal decisions and respond to them confidently. We are your reliable tax law firm for all your tax concerns and legal support needs.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (407) 809-1656 for your Free Consultation with a Coleman Tax Resolution expert!

Resolving Tax Debt

Many clients who get our Coleman tax resolution service often involve resolving tax debt.

Tax debt can be incurred in many ways, usually due to late tax payments or stacked-up penalties that make it difficult to pay off completely. Fortunately, the government offers a variety of tax debt relief programs that taxpayers can apply for if they are having problems with their taxes. Defense Tax Partners can help you apply to the best tax debt relief program and negotiate with the IRS if necessary. You can be assured we will have backup plans on standby in case we can’t get the best tax debt relief program that works for your situation.

Establishing IRS Audit Defense

Coleman Tax Resolution irs lawyer segment block 300x199Many people like to avoid having to deal with the IRS because of how intimidating the agency could be, especially when it comes to taxes. One error can easily bring the agency to its doorstep. However, there will be times that meeting the IRS is inevitable, especially if you are included in their regular audit.

If you are included in their regular tax auditing, you can call our team to help you with the documents you need to present, as well as guide you through the audit process. We can also negotiate with the IRS to clear any problems that may be found during the audit.

Creating a Strong Tax Fraud Defense

When doing your taxes, it is crucial that you don’t miss any portion or write details incorrectly because it can be a reason for the IRS to investigate you over tax fraud.

Tax fraud is one of the most serious felony charges a person can be charged with. Depending on its severity, a taxpayer can face hefty fines and even a jail sentence. If you find yourself charged with tax fraud, let our team handle your defense and clear your name. We will also fight for a lighter sentence in case there are grounds for the charges as best as we can.

Reliable and Trusted Tax Law Firm

Defense Tax Partners is one of the best Coleman tax law firms you can contact if you find yourself in a bind with your taxes. Whether it is because of tax debt or a suspected tax violation, we have lawyers who can sort them out for you and free you from the stress brought by these legal problems. From the moment you contact us, we will immediately draw up a plan to help you resolve your tax problems and even be your representative during cases for tax violations or IRS audits. If you sign up with us, we will do our best to get the best result, including getting lesser penalties or full withdrawal of the accusations.

Tax AttorneysDefense Tax Partners doesn’t just offer Coleman tax resolution services for taxpayers. We also offer the following legal services:

1. Wage Garnishment Removal
2. Offer in Compromise
3. Bank Levy Removal
4. Penalty Abatement
5. Innocent Spouse
6. Audit Representation
7. Tax Preparation
8. Tax Lien Removal
9. Passport Reinstatement

We have a free consultation service available if you want to ask more about our services or ask tax legal questions to help you in fixing your financial records. Our experts are always ready to take on any inquiries to make taxes more manageable for everyone.

Free Consultation Today

Coleman Tax Resolution defense tax partners logo 300x65If you are having a tax problem, you need to get a legal team who can look at it and help you resolve them in the best way possible.

Defense Tax Partners is happy to take on your tax issues and find the right legal action to get everything cleared with the IRS. Even if the case doesn’t go in your favor, our team will do our best to get everything resolved and, at the same time, help you understand your taxes better and prevent similar problems from recurring in the future.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (407) 809-1656 for your Free Consultation with a Coleman Tax Resolution expert!